The Socionomics Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to advancing socionomics, the science of social prediction pioneered by Robert R. Prechter, Jr. The Socionomics Foundation provides education and funds research exploring socionomic theory and how it can benefit individuals and institutions through a better understanding of the dynamics of social and cultural change.
more about the Foundation's activities.
“Social Mood,
Stock Market Performance and U.S. Presidential Elections:
A Socionomic Perspective on Voting Results,”
is now
available. The paper is co-authored by Robert
Prechter, Deepak Goel, Wayne D. Parker and Matthew
Lampert and was published by SAGE Open.
Robert Prechter’s
paper, “The Financial/Economic Dichotomy in
Social Behavioral Dynamics: The Socionomic Perspective,”
is now
available. The paper, co-authored with Wayne D.
Parker, was originally published by The Journal of
Behavioral Finance.
Copyright 2024
Socionomics Foundation